Invention #003

Today is more of a recent invention than the previous two…

The Aurora Headband

The Aurora is a headband that you wear when you are asleep and was invented by the company iWinks. The headband allows you to control your dreams, while you are dreaming them. It works by monitoring brain waves and eye movements to detect whether the wearer is in a state of sleep called REM sleep, which is the state which is most associated with dreaming. It then sends your sleeping brain signals, such as a flashing light, that don’t wake you up, but tell you that you are inside a dream. Once you have realized this you can stretch your imagination to the limit, and defy the rules of, well, everything! Now your dream can become a trip to Mars, a meeting with your idol, a jet-pack ride around the world, or even an underwater battle with evil piranhas! Anything you like can be experienced in a dream – thanks to the all-new Aurora Headband! 😉 To watch the Official Kickstarter  Video, click the link.

Thanks for reading!