Fact #007

Each king in a deck of cards represents a different king in history. The king of hearts is Charlemagne, the king of diamonds is Julius Caesar, the king of clubs is Alexander the Great, and the king of spades is King David.

Charlemagne: Also known as Charles the Great. King of the Franks from 768AD, King of Italy from 774AD, and founder of the Carolingian Empire, a large Frankish state. Also first emperor in Western Europe since the Collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

Julius Caesar: Roman general, contributed immensely to the rise of the Roman Empire and the downfall of the Roman Republic. Conducted the first invasion of Britain and ruled Rome alongside Crassus and Pompey from 60BC.

Alexander the Great: King of Greek Kingdom of Macedon from 336BC. Creator of one of the largest empires in the ancient world, stretching from Greece to Egypt, and into present-day Pakistan. Also known as Alexander III of Macedon.

King David: (According to the Hebrew Bible) Second King of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah from 1002BC. Also, (according to the New Testament Gospels of Matthew and Luke) an ancestor of Jesus Christ.